Wherever you are is OK with me. I don’t care whether you’re a novice or a self-realized guru, I do the same thing: assisting you in keeping touch with what’s happening now. Do you have issues? Most every complaint leads back to your relationship with your own inner critic. I sit with you (on Zoom) and prod you a little to help yourself.

My erstwhile executive coach and teacher, Siobhan McCann, wrote this about the experience after we turned the tables and I became her coach:

Mastery is the first word that comes to mind when I think about Neal. Curiosity and humour are close runners up!  For the past three years I have experienced the power of his unequivocally unbiased presence in coaching. It has been a journey of self-discovery and exponential growth during an intensely challenging period of personal and professional change. Neal's patient guidance, vast breadth of knowledge and experience, and razor sharp insight have enabled huge shifts in awareness and confidence and empowered transformative growth - both internally as well as professionally - driving results, enhancing relationships, and ultimately helping me embrace unimaginable freedom to live and be without judgement or limits. I recommend Neal as a coach for anyone who is prepared to work hard, is ready to challenge the voices in their own head, and desires to embrace deep learning and sustainable growth.

My fee structure: I have a true sliding scale, from zero to $200 a session, based on what you want to pay. I am perfectly happy if you pay zero, and I don’t care whether it’s $20 because that’s what you can afford or because that’s what you want to pay. Also, whatever services they are that I bring you, they won’t be reduced because you’re not paying, or amplified because you pay me a lot! You’re stuck with the same services.

I’m attracted to the Buddhist demand that teachers not charge. And I notice that Buddhist teachers don’t turn down donations.

I try my best not to keep records beyond what’s necessary to do my taxes. You don’t ever need to tell me what you’re paying. Just deposit whatever you want to in my business Paypal account,

Sessions are about an hour. I send a Zoom link right before our first session. Weekly seems to work for most people. It helps to have a set time. I have no rules about cancellation. You can just not show up and you don’t owe me anything.

If you want to try this out, email me at Offer a couple of times that work for you. I’m on the West Coast.